Happy Equinox!
On Equinox, the two times per year when the day has the same length across the planet, we meet online and embark on a cultural bildungsreise around the globe.
More information and sign-up here: https://www.globalbildung.net/gbd2022-september/
PLEASE NOTE: The times are UTC, i.e. London-time without daylight saving time; to find out what time it is at your location, you may want to use this time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Hi; I’m Oylum Aksal from Turkey. I support your community with my all love, especially bildung idea and meta-modernist paradigm. Please inform me about your upcoming events and workshops.
Hello Oylum,
Glad you found us and would like to join!
You can meet everybody in the network here: https://network.globalbildung.net/ 🙂
/ Lene