What it Means to Be Human — 2024 September 21

On September 21, 2024, you can join the online Global Meeting on Equinox for a global conversation about What it means to be human. Together, we wil gain insights into the challenges facing people and planet. It will be a joint re-examination of the culture, ideas, and man-made interventions that lock us into the current arrangement that generates fewer and fewer ever-more-powerful winners and millions of losers.

Therefore, this time, the theme is: Cooperation: Can we do it better?

You can meet speakers and participants from all over the world. Over the course of 18 hours and 8 sessions, we travel online from Oceania via East Asia, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Latin America to North America. On the way, we meet a variety of out-of-the-box perspectives on what it means to be human, how we cooperate, the role of economy in how we cooperate, and how we can change it.

We do not imagine a utopia or soft psychedelic philosophy. We look to an improvement within the existing rules. Collaborative instead of competitive games. A “game of life” where people are free to move but do not end up polarised.

Sign up now!
to join the Global Meeting on Equinox, on September 21
Participation is free of charge

The Global Meeting on Equinox is a global conversation about what it means to be human and how we can create a future where everybody can thrive. What it Means to Be Human is also a book and a series of online activities that are open to everybody around the globe. Among them is the article ABCDEFGH and What it Means to Be Human, the intellectual backbone of this event. Feel free to read it, but you can also just show up on September 21st and get the introduction from our speakers.

Intro article
by Lene Rachel Andersen and Folarin Gbadebo-Smith

Get at taste of the Global Meeting on Equiox today:
Meet Pindar Wong from Hong Kong

Program in the making

Oceania, East Asia, Asia, & the Middle-East: 04:00-12:00 / 4am-12pm UTC


Ines Medeiros

Józefa Fawcett

Martin Ivarson

Robert McTague
USA & Romania


04:00-05:45 / 4:00am-05:45am UTC
16:00-17:45 / 4:00pm-5:45pm Wellington
14:00-15:45 / 2:00pm-3:45pm Melbourne

ABCEDFGH and What it means to be human and to cooperate with nature and humans. Maori culture is rich in relationships to the land and cooperation with it, and modern cooperatives have a long tradition in Aoteaora New Zealand. We start this Global Meeting on Equinox with some thoughts about indigenous cooperation.

Maori Cooperation and Cooperatives in Oceania
Rawiri Toia
Aotearoa New Zealand

Gareth will discuss the growing movement to redesign the economy of Aotearoa New Zealand around the wellbeing of our people and planet. Learn what a Wellbeing Economy could look like and tools and policies to get there with an emphasis on the leadership coming from Te Ao Māori approaches.

Wellbeing Economy and Te Ao Māori approaches
Gareth Hughes
Aotearoa New Zealand

East Asia:

06:00-07:45 / 6:00am-07:45am UTC
15:00-16:45 Tokyo / 14:00-15:45 Beijing

A for Artificial Intelligence; B for Biotechnology: How can we factor in these ground braking new aspects of human life on the planet as we try to solve our problems? ABCDEFGH: What it means to be human

Artificial Intelligence and Biotech from a Chinese perspective
Yi-Heng Cheng

The Korean cooperative Hansalim has an impressive 900,000 consumer members and 2,300 farmer members. Their mission is solidarity between consumers and food producers, they are very successful at it, and Dr. Miseong Cho is going to tell all about it.

Hansalim: A Solidarity Based Cooperative
Miseong Cho

Today, the means of cooperation is generally money; we organize and exchange work through setting a price. But it wasn’t always like that, and maybe there are more meaningful ways of organizing cooperation.
Suggested reading & podcast: Embrace the heretic

Means of Cooperation; Male and Female Money
Pindar Wong (tentative)
Hong Kong

Female, matrifocal, or Yin money; Anne Snick collaborated with Bernard Lietaer who came up with the concept of two kinds of money: Yin and Yang.

Matrifocal Money
Anne Snick


08:00-09:45 / 8:00am-09:45am UTC
15:00-16:45 Bangkok / 13:30-15:15 Mumbai

C for Circularity and Circles: How can neighborhoods self-organize to solve local problems and create sources of income for those who have none? And what would housing look like if it were built around being good neighbors? Meet neighborocracy and Joseph Rathinam!

Neighborocracy and democratic housing
Joseph Rathinam

Speaker TBA

Speaker TBA

The Middle East and Conclusion:

10:00-12:00 / 10:00am-12:00pm UTC
13:30-15:30 Tehran / 11:00-13:00 Rabat

D for Demographics and how this affects global development and cooperation. Some reflections on the development in the Middle East and how it can resonate with ABCDEFGH: What it means to be human

Rethinking Cooperation in the Middle East
Eliane Metni

The first 100 years of Islam included madrassas which produced an explosion of intellectual inquiry and bildung that transformed the Middle-East and, eventually, the world.

The Madrasa system in Islamic Golden Age
Sara Rajabli

Speaker TBA

Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America:
14:00-22:00 / 2pm-10pm UTC


Ines Medeiros

Józefa Fawcett

Martin Ivarson

Robert McTague
USA & Romania


14:00-15:45 / 2:00pm-3:45pm UTC
16:00-17:45 Cape Town / 15:00-16:45 Lagos

E for Education. Folarin Gbadebo-Smith co-authored the ABCDEFGH paper and will speak about the thoughts behind it and the need for education from an African perspective.

Rethinking Education and Cooperation in Africa
Folarin Gbadebo-Smith

For the economy to be sustainable, it must bring people together and take nature and other context into account. The African concept Ubuntu entails, among other things, “I am, because we are;” communities allows me to become me. One of them is the work community.

Ubuntu Economics
Speaker TBA

Speaker TBA

Topic TBA


16:00-17:45 / 4:00pm-5:45pm UTC
19:00-20:45 Kyiv / 18:00-19:45 Paris

F for Finance and how we need to rething our global economic systems if we are going to cooperate better and solve our problems. Lene Rachel Andersen is the main author of the ABCDEFGH and What it means to be human article. Suggested reading: Lene’s Polymodern Economics.

A Meaningful Economy
Lene Rachel Andersen

The way nature works and the way the current economic model works are fundamentally different. Ulrich Loening lists 9 ways they are fundamentally different, one of them is the concept of growth.
Suggested reading: Ulrich Loening’s Harmonise with Nature.

An Economy in Harmony with Nature
Ulrich Loening

Cooperatives are based on democratic forms of organization and on principles of self-help, self-responsibility, self-management, and solidarity. Typical cooperative decision-making processes are more participatory than in conventionally organized compa­nies.

The ties of cooperatives in Europe
Armin Schuster

Latin America:

18:00-19:45 / 6:00pm-7:45pm UTC
15:00-16:45 Sao Paulo / 13:00-14:45 Bogotá

G for Global dispersion of knowledge: Folarin Gbadebo-Smith co-authored the ABCDEFGH paper and will speak about the thoughts behind it and the need for global access to knowledge. ABCDEFGH: What it means to be human

Knowledge is as unevenly distributed as money; this is not sustainable.
Folerin Gbadebo-Smith

Speaker TBA

Topic TBA

North America:

20:00-22:00 / 8:00pm-10:00pm UTC
16:00-18:00 / 4pm-6pm Washington DC
13:00-15:00 / 1pm-3pm Vancouver

H for Humanity. Zak contributed to What it Means to Be Human, and at the previous event he spoke about The Last Educators and our basic humanity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dynwKfsFxUo Zak will return to this and to ABCDEFGH: What it means to be human

ABCDEFGH: What it means to be human
Zak Stein
United States

Are Bildung Humans an endangered species? Or is there hope? Steve Joordens wrote the sadly satircal chapter The Decline of the Bildung Human in the book What it Means to Be Human. When we meet at the GMoE, Steve will tell us if Bildung Humans will survive…

The Decline of the Bildung Human
Steve Joordens

What it is that humans can do that our machines and programs cannot? And how can we transcend the Industrial Age understanding of human beings purely in terms of their utility value, and begin to recognize our intrinsic value instead?

Program or Be Programmed: the human response to an age of AI 
Douglas Rushkoff
United States