Conference, workshops, and public event
Migration, Bildung, Resilience
What kind of education do we need in an age of migration?
May 7-8 2024 in Rotterdam
How do we change education to meet the challenges of our time?
As geopolitical and environmental instability drive migration, how can education, pedagogics, andragogics, and bildung contribute to social resilience and mutual understanding in Europe?
People of many cultural and religious backgrounds need to live together and form resilient societies, rather than fall into (violent) conflict, populism, and other threats to democracy.
Under these circumstances, what does it mean to be a people?
How can our rich educational tradition and bildung contribute to social peace, strengthening democracy, and fruitful global interconnectedness?
And how do we create a European community of educators who can change education, promote bildung, and reach politicians with the message?
Join the European Bildung Day and the European Bildung Network
Let’s change education in Europe!
Tuesday, May 7
8:30 Coffee is served
09:00-12:00 Pre-conference workshops
Papers and workshops
12:00-13:00 Light lunch
13:00-17:00 Main conference
Keynotes, culture, and discussions
Presentation of the European Bildung Manifesto (if you would like to join the online final editing of the Manifesto, read more here)
19:00 Food court dinner
TBA, individual payment
Wednesday, May 8
8:30 Coffee is served
9:00-12:00 Three tracks
- Establishing a folk high school in Rotterdam – at the venue
- Immigration and bildung: educational needs
- What is a people? Bildung and collective meaning-making
13:30-15:30 Bildung, Resilience, Migration
Public event at the Blue City
Launch of the European Bildung Manifesto
18:00-22:00 Conference dinner
Wine and snacks from 17:30
Thursday, May 9: Europe Day
Christian holiday: Ascension Day For those who are interested, we will organize a day trip to Leiden and find a nice place for lunch.
You can still sign up for the
public event May 8 at BlueCity 13:30-15:30
see the program for it here:
Public event, including coffee and cake: € 19
Booking provided by Nordic Bildung
Program Tuesday May 7
9:00-11:50 Pre-Conference: Papers
Design Impact Transitions Platform (DIT), 2nd Floor Q-Building
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA Rotterdam
To read about the speakers and their presentations, click on the pictures
Papers DIT 2
9:00-9:50 Reclaiming the Commonity
Kåre Wangel, Denmark
Read the article:
European Bildung Day: Main Conference
Erasmus Center for Entrepreneurship, ECE room, Ground floor Q-building
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA Rotterdam
Official Opening
Why did we come here for this topic?
What would you like to get out of European Bildung Day 2024?
How can you contribute to that?
Bildung, Resilience, Migration
A mosaic of EBD2024 topics
14:30-14:50 Break
Bildung and Peoplehood
Interactive panel debate

Circles of Belonging and what it means to be human
Lene Rachel Andersen, author, futurist, and bildung philosopher, Denmark
15:40-15:50 Break
To bildung or not to bildung:
How to teach the teachers?
Interactive panel debate
Discussion: What is the situation like in your country and how to solve it?
European Bildung Manifesto
Concluding Day 1
Flexible Food Court Dinner
From 19:00
Foodhallen, Wilhelminakade 58, 3072 AR Rotterdam

You’ll get a European Bildung Day 2024 badge, your spouse will get one too, and then we’ll go to the famous Rotterdam food court, you’ll buy the food and drinks you want, and whenever you run into somebody else with the badge, you can network and discuss.
And when everybody else sees us with the same badge, they may ask what bildung is and you get a chance to do a bit of PR for bildung (and Europe).
The pre-conference food court dinner in Vilnius in 2023 was a great success, and we’d like to repeat it!
Program Wednesday May 8
Three parallel tracks 9:00-12:00
DIT 1, 2nd Floor Q-Building
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
Bildung in vocational education

Sandra Verbruggen, the Netherlands
Coffee Break
Bildung in the Netherlands

Tim Logan, UK & France
DIT 2, 2nd Floor Q-Building
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
Starting a bildung school in Rotterdam

Teacher resilience in practice: An Experimental Pedagogics project
Martijn van Ginneken, Netherlands
Lyuba Nicheva, Bulgaria,
Louiza Reysen, Germany

Ginie Servant-Miklos, theNetherlands
Coffee Break
Migration and bildung

Conflicting Values, the Swedish Experience; How bildung improves migrant transition
Bi Puranen, Secretary General of the World Values Survey, Sweden

Ludvig Claeson, Norway
Commute and Lunch Break
Public Event at the Blue City
Blue City, Maasboulevard 100, 3063 NS Rotterdam
Tickets: 19 Euro
The event is included in the conference fee

Official launch of the European Bildung Manifesto

European Bildung Day Dinner
at Blue City

17:30 a well-deserved glass of wine and some snacks
18:00-22:00 Dinner
Delicous 3 course menu
and the best company in Europe!
Thursday May 9, Europe Day
Daytrip to Leiden
Just half an hour by train from Rotterdam is beautiful Leiden
Join this day trip and enjoy some bildung and a nice lunch!
Sign-up fee 1 Euro, more info later…

The Netherlands’ ‘best-kept secret’ Leiden houses the nation’s oldest university, dating from 1575.
Even in 2024, Leiden-born Rembrandt should be able to find his way in the old, canal-rich inner city, the second largest after Amsterdam.
‘Little Amsterdam’, located on the banks of the Old Rhine, houses four national museums.
Migration is increasing, we need good education more than ever, and the world is 44 million teachers short; read the article:
What it means to be human
2024, Nordic Bildung, Global Bildung Network and European Bildung Network focus on the theme What it means to be human.
The anthology What it Means to Be Human will be launched as part of Global Bildung Day on March 21st.
Join the Global Bildung Network and the global conversation about bildung. Here you can also join the European Bildung Network:
Join Global Bildung Network
Organized by

Ginie Servant-Miklos, the Netherlands & France

Sandra Verbruggen, the Netherlands

Kees Spijker, the Netherlands

Andres Lopez, Norway & Spain

Ludvig Claeson, Norway & Sweden

Tim Logan, UK & France

Lene Rachel Andersen, Denmark
Contact: +45 28964240
la @

Nordic Bildung
Vermlandsgade 51
2300 Copenhagen S