European Bildung Day 2024 in Rotterdam

Public event

Migration, Bildung, Resilience

What kind of education do we need in an age of migration?

May 8th 2024
Blue City in Rotterdam

How do we change education to meet the challenges of our time?

What is bildung and why do we need it more than ever right now?

Join the conversation about what education ought to be and meet educators and bildung researchers from all over Europe.

Get ready for some food for thought!

Join the European Bildung Day and the European Bildung Network
Let’s change education in Europe!


Welcome to European Bildung Day

Event host: Tim Logan, podcaster @Future Learning Design, France & UK

What is bildung, and why do we need it now?

Lene Rachel Andersen, author, futurist, and bildung philosopher, Denmark

How the war in Ukraine has changed the sense of peoplehood

Mihail Krikunov, Dean of the Kyiv Business School, Ukraine

Mental resilience during air raids; a bildung perspective

Elena Tochillina, leadership and marketing consultant, Ukraine

The time for bildung in the Netherlands is now

Ginie Servant-Miklos, Assistant Professor at Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, the Netherlands & France


Official launch of the European Bildung Manifesto

Blue City, Maasboulevard 100, 3063 NS Rotterdam

Tickets: € 19

Booking provided by Nordic Bildung

This event is part of the 2-day conference European Bildung Day

What it means to be human

2024, The European Bildung Network and Global Bildung Network focus on the theme What it means to be human.

The anthology What it Means to Be Human was launched as part of Global Bildung Day on March 21st.

Join the Global Bildung Network and the global conversation about bildung. Here you can also join the European Bildung Network:

Join Global Bildung Network