How can we live with a sense of place and a cultural identity while global interaction and need for collaboration keep growing?
How can we educate for it?
And how can we prevent that love of country becomes a national chauvinism that promotes hatred of others?
The Global Bildung Day, on the March Equinox of 2023, is a worldwide gathering of bildung advocates, experts, teachers, and students; all united to support the quality of life through bildung. Join us as we explore Bildung, Globalization, Nation, and Peoplehood in the 21st Century.
Why are Bildung, Globalization, Nation, and Peoplehood important? Meet the organizers of Global Bildung Day 2023 March 21.
Cultural and political structures that have long held civilization in place are in upheaval. We are challenged by new technologies, global warming, mass-migration, wars, and more. We need to make sense of the transition that is taking place.
On equinox, when the day has the same length around the globe, join our 24-hour global bildung tour around the globe with presentations about Bildung, Globalization, Nation, and Peoplehood in the 21st Century.
Our journey begins in Oceania and goes through East Asia, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europea, and Latin America, until we end in North America. You can see the speakers and times below.
To receive the link for the event, just sign up, and please indicate when you are most likely to join.
To learn more about what bildung is, please go here: https://www.nordicbildung.org/lexicon/what-is-bildung/
Oceania & East Asia: 3am-8am UTC
4pm-9pm Wellington
12pm-5pm Tokyo
Begins in
After each presentation there will be global speed dating:
discuss what you just heard with people from around the globe
Asia & Middle-East: 9am-2pm UTC
2:30pm-7:30pm Mumbai
1:00pm-6:00pm Dubai
Begins in
After each presentation there will be global speed dating:
discuss what you just heard with people from around the globe
Africa & Europe: 4pm-9pm UTC
6:00pm-11:00pm Cape Town
6:00pm-11:00pm Kyiv
Begins in
After each presentation there will be global speed dating:
discuss what you just heard with people from around the globe
Latin America & North America: 10pm-3am UTC
7:00pm-12:00am Sao Paulo
3:00pm-8:00pm Los Angeles
Begins in
After each presentation there will be global speed dating:
discuss what you just heard with people from around the globe
Looking very much forward to seeing you on March 21st!

Watch videos from the Global Bildung Day March 21, 2022
Check out the Global Bildung Day 2022 September 21: https://www.globalbildung.net/gbd2022-september/
If you have any doubts about what time the presentations begin in your time zone, you can check it here: