Global Bildung Day 2023 September 21

Do humans have a future in a world of AI?

Join the global conversation!

We want to hear your thoughts

With AI everywhere, will we ever need to learn anything again?
Or will we need to learn even more?

How can we educate for human co-existence with AI?

Are the attitudes towards AI different around the globe?

The Global Bildung Day, on the September Equinox of 2023, is a worldwide conversation about education, bildung and AI.

The speakers are bildung advocates, teachers, tech people, students, and philosophers; we are all human, so are you, and we need to talk about AI and our future.

How will education change and how will it have to change in a world with AI?

What kind of bildung do we need under these new circumstances?

On equinox, when the day has the same length around the globe, we will do a bildung tour around the globe with presentations about AI, how students and teachers use and may use AI, what will become of exams, and how humans and AI can co-exist in meaningful ways.

Our journey begins in Oceania and goes through East Asia, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europea, and Latin America, until we end in North America.

Participation in Global Bildung Day on zoom is free of charge. Joining the Global Bildung Network is free of charge too. But: We need money to run this, so if you would also like to join our dedicated Global Bildung Day Space in the Global Bildung Network, there is a fee. In the GBD Space you will find articles, discussions about bildung, and much more.

Global Bilbung Day Space:

You can watch the presentation here and on youtube. If you would like to watch the full sessions, join the Global Bildung Day Space in the Global Bildung Network where we have already started the discussions. We offer three prices: Regular, Low Income Friendly, and Donation Happy:

To learn more about what bildung is, please go here:

Videos available now!

Oceania, East Asia, Asia, & the Middle-East: 04:00-12:00 / 4am-12pm UTC



04:00-05:45 / 4:00am-05:45am UTC
16:00-17:45 / 4:00pm-5:45pm Wellington
14:00-15:45 / 2:00pm-3:45pm Melbourne

East Asia:

06:00-07:45 / 6:00am-07:45am UTC
15:00-16:45 Tokyo / 14:00-15:45 Beijing


08:00-09:45 / 8:00am-09:45am UTC
15:00-16:45 Bangkok / 13:30-15:15 Mumbai

The Middle East & Conclusion:

10:00-12:00 / 10:00am-12:00pm UTC
13:30-15:30 Tehran / 11:00-13:00 Rabat

Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America:
14:00-22:00 / 2pm-10pm UTC



14:00-15:45 / 2:00pm-3:45pm UTC
16:00-17:45 Cape Town / 15:00-16:45 Lagos


16:00-17:45 / 4:00pm-5:45pm UTC
19:00-20:45 Kyiv / 18:00-19:45 Paris

Latin America:

18:00-19:45 / 6:00pm-7:45pm UTC
15:00-16:45 Sao Paulo / 12:00-13:45 San José

North America & Conclusion:

20:00-22:00 / 8:00pm-10:00pm UTC
16:00-18:00 / 4pm-6pm Washington DC
13:00-15:00 / 1pm-3pm Vancouver


Looking very much forward to seeing you on September 21st!

Watch videos from the Global Bildung Day March 21, 2022

Check out the Global Bildung Day 2022 September 21:

If you have any doubts about what time the presentations begin in your time zone, you can check it here:

I would love to get a free ticket for this!

Go ahead! Participation in Global Bildung Day is free of charge.

Global Bildung Day Space:

If you would like to join the GBD Space in the Global Bildung Network where we have already started the discussions, we offer three prices: Regular, Low Income Friendly, and Donation Friendly.