Upcoming Events
September 2025
Planning workshops for the Nordic Bildung Network, more info soon…
Spring 2026
Conference at Nordiska Folkhögskolan, more info soon…
September 2026
Nordic Bildung Week, more info soon…
March 6-7, 2025
The Future of Bildung in the Nordics
The Future of Bildung in the Nordics conference 6-7 March at the beautiful Nordiska Folkhögskolan in Kungälv was an uplifting and productive meeting.
35 participants, representing most corners of the Nordic educational landscape, gathered to discuss the status and role of bildung, folk bildung, and education in the light of a world mired in global systemic challenges.
As a conclusion on the more than 20 talks and the discussions that followed, the Nordic bildung network – Nordiskt Sivistys Netverkid – has now been established. You can read more about our plans for the Network under Nordic Projects.

Likhet, ulikhet og pedagogikk; Anne Greve, Professor i barnehagepedagogikk (NO)

NordUng: Nordisk didaktik og dannelse; Mischa Sloth Carlsen, projektleder for NordUng (DK)

Hvorfor finder unge mening i en gammel sangtradition?; Emilie Holmboe Christensen, elev på Visskolan på Nordiska (DK)

A Japanese Impression of Nordic Lifelong Learning; Hironobu Shindo, Associate Professor of adult education, Japan

Kim Hjerrild (DK)
Our House is Burning; The Human Predicament

Lene Rachel Andersen (DK)
The Nordic Secret 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0: What we can learn from our past

Sturla Bjerkaker (NO)
Bildung when the planet is fundamentally changing

Glenn Erik Haugland (NO)
What to make of bildung, art, education, and democracy — here and in the US?

Should we have a Nordic Year of Sivistys?
update from the official Year of Bildung in Finland; Lauri Tuomi (FI)
The Future of Bildung in the Nordics: Live at Nordiska Folkhögskolan 6-7 Mars

Our first major physical network event will be the conference The Future of Bildung in the Nordics at Nordiska Folkhögskolan in Kungälv March 6-7, 2025. For more information, please go here: https://www.globalbildung.net/nbn2025-the-future-of-bildung-in-the-nordics/ or send us an email at