
European Bildung Day 2020

European Bildung Day 2020 on May 8th and 9th went online due to corona, we had to learn a lot really fast in order to pull it off, and it went really well. You can see the results on our dedicated page: Inspired by the day, we are now planning more online events, which allow people to participate from … Read More

Frankfurt Roundtable

By European Bildung Network The round-table in Frankfurt on January 28th, 2020 (Einladung_EuropeanBildung-2020-01-28) attracted many more participants than initially envisioned. Hosted by Anja Hofmann and her team at Deutsche Bildung AG, 30 participants from civil society, academia, business, and the public sector were able to connect in German and to work together on specific Bildung issues. The evening was designed and facilitated by Stefan … Read More

What Happened at the First Roundtable in Stockholm

By European Bildung Network Folk-Bildung has deep roots in Sweden, and 20 people from very diverse Bildung backgrounds joined us for the first European Bildung Network round-table on November 27th, 2019. With participants from adult education, cultural institutions, the universities, the Swedish Parliament, the Nordic Association, future studies, and some independent teachers, researchers and psychologists, we immediately had a lively … Read More

Creating the European Bildung Network

By European Bildung Network Maike van den Boom (Stockholm), Christian Welzel (Lüneburg), Joachim Juul Vædele (Copenhagen), Per Paludan Hansen (Copenhagen), Stefan Bergheim (Frankfurt), Mette Hvid Brockmann (Copenhagen), and Lene Rachel Andersen (Copenhagen) met on August 19th and 20th in Copenhagen in order to find out how to proceed after the first European Bildung Day (Berlin on May 9th). We decided … Read More

European Bildung Day 2019 in Berlin

By European Bildung Network On Europe Day, May 9th, 2019, 70 Bildung experts, researchers, enthusiasts, and entrepreneurs gathered in Berlin in order to start the creation of European Bildung Day 2020; you can see pictures from the event and our program here.